Contact ME

I don’t really like money, but I sure could use a lot more of it. If you’d like to hire me for anything, please contact me about my rates and availability by emailing me at robert.c.lanterman [at] gmail [dot] com. Please read the FAQs first, though!


I never thought I’d need FAQs for my services, but apparently I do! They are mostly music-work-related, so if you’re not looking to hire me for music work, proceed with your email!

Can you review my album?

No. No no no. No. No. No. No. No no no… No. That’s not how it works. I typically only review albums when assigned to me by someone else I’m writing for.

How much do you charge for PR, bios, and the like?

It depends on the band and the album cycle, but it’s usually very cheap. With PR, I charge per post that’s published.

[Insert question here] about Hidden Home Records?

Anything about Hidden Home should be sent to hiddenhomerecords [at] gmail [dot] com.